Development Administration and the Strategies of Development Policies in Nigeria


  • Awubi Emmanuel Richard Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • Sylvanus Adingel Azu Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria


Development, Administration, Development Strategies, Policies, Public Administration


The paper examines the contributions of development administration as a strategy for development policies in Nigeria. The article gave solid explanation of the concept and operations of development administration. The paper ventures into past development strategies put in place by past administration in Nigeria and the reasons for their woeful failures which deepened poverty and underdevelopment. This paper proffered solutions to issues of development which includes; sincerity on the part of government towards policy formulation, confront corruption holistically and the legitimization of strategies for developmental policies. The modernization theory was used to explain the article.






How to Cite

Emmanuel Richard, A., & Adingel Azu, S. (2021). Development Administration and the Strategies of Development Policies in Nigeria. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research , 6(4), 36-43. Retrieved from