Knowledge Sharing and Academic Staff Performance in Cross River Institute of Technology and Management Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria


  • Endurance Odiri Emumejakpor Polytechnic Library, Cross River Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Eyibio Okon Ikpe Department of Business Administration and Management, Cross River Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Bassey Felix Wilson Department of Computer Science, Cross River Institute of Technology and Management Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria


Knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge capturing, academic staff performance


The difficulty of getting individuals to share tacit knowledge is one that knowledge management faces. In some organizations, sharing is helpful and normal while in some, it is otherwise. It is in view of this that the researcher investigated the effect of knowledge sharing on academic staff performance in Cross River Institute of Technology and Management Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria. This study adopted descriptive survey research design through the use of questionnaire. The population of the study comprised of all the 62 academic staffs of CR-ITM. The data was analysed using regression analysis with the aid of the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS version 25.0) at 5% level of significance. Descriptive statistics was also used to examine the relevant data. Findings revealed that there is significant effect of knowledge sharing on academic staff performance in Cross River Institute of Technology and Management Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommended that institution/organizations should encourage knowledge sharing among their staffs so as to enhance its performance. Additionally, the quota for local and foreign training expenditures should be expanded by academic staff development units of any institution or organization in order to encourage more knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing among academic staff.





How to Cite

Emumejakpor, E. O., Ikpe, E. O., & Wilson , B. F. (2023). Knowledge Sharing and Academic Staff Performance in Cross River Institute of Technology and Management Ugep, Cross River State, Nigeria. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research , 9(1), 30-39. Retrieved from