Effects of Counselling Programmes and Performance of Prison Officers in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru Women Prison


  • Sally Chepkogei Kutto MPPA Student, Kenyatta University
  • Weldon Kibet Ng’eno Kenyatta University, Kenya


counselling programmes, performance of prison officers, Nakuru Women Prison


The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of counselling programmes on performance of prison officers in Kenyan prisons.  Data were collected via secondary and primary sources. From the descriptive analysis, the study found that employee performance is enhanced by stress management counseling, spiritual nourishment counseling promotes high levels of job performance and engagement at work, counseling on mental health improves employee performance, and counseling on financial literacy provides financial development and thus improves employee performance. Based on the multiple regression model, the study established that counseling programmes positively and significantly influence the performance of prison officers. The recommendation was that the Kenya Prisons Service department should streamline policies on counseling programs with an aim of strengthening their impact on employee performance. The study also recommended that the Nakuru women prison management should encourage employees to utilize the counseling programmes available such as stress management, spiritual nourishment, mental health and financial literacy.





How to Cite

Kutto, S. C. ., & Ng’eno, W. K. (2023). Effects of Counselling Programmes and Performance of Prison Officers in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru Women Prison. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research , 8(5), 64-74. Retrieved from https://journals.rcmss.com/index.php/ijpamr/article/view/773