Computerized Accounting System and Performance of the Banking Sector in Nigeria


  • Acho Yunusa Department of Accountancy, The Federal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria


Computerized, Accounting, Banking, Performance


The banking sector is becoming increasingly completive thus for the banks to strive effectively they need to satisfy their customers and this can only be facilitated through computerization of their operations. This study titled computerized accounting system and the performance of banking sector in Nigeria is carried out to examine the impact of computerized accounting system on the performance in banking sector in Nigeria. The research adopts descriptive research survey design and respondents were reached using a 10 items structured questionnaire. The population of the study is 1892 who are employees of the banks. The study adopts Godden sample size statistical formula which generated a sample size of 319. However, out of the total of 319 questionnaires distributed only 184 were duly completed and returned giving a retrieval rate of 58%. The data were analyzed using a five point’s likert scale and the analytical tool is the linear regression analysis. The finding revealed that computerized accounting system has enhanced performance of banking sector in Nigeria. Thus, recommends that computerized accounting system should be sustained in the banking sector while periodic training of their personnel be carried out to enable them strive competitively.






How to Cite

Yunusa, A. (2021). Computerized Accounting System and Performance of the Banking Sector in Nigeria. Journal of Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa , 6(4), 1-11. Retrieved from