Impact Assessment of World Bank-National FADAMA 111 Development Project, in Bayelsa State, 2009-2013


  • Igbani, Owede Robbins Department of History and International Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa, Nigeria
  • Josephine Eluan Lloyd Dept. of Business Administration Faculty of Management Science, Federal University Otuoke


Impact, Assessment, World Bank, FADAMA 111, Development,, Bayelsa State


This study undertakes a critical assessment of World Bank-FADAMA 111 development project in Bayelsa state. The study made use of qualitative research design and uses content, discourse and thematic approaches in analyzing the data. The Project Development Objective of FADAMA 111 was to ensure that the World Bank through IDA assist states that keyed in to the NEEDS/SEEDS strategic framework on Agricultural policy reforms in order to increase the income growth of rural Fadama users sustainably, through capacity building. The finding reveals that in order to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity, the Bank uses the Community Driven Development approach in project implementation. The Bank also promoted social inclusiveness by given equal chance of participation to men, women, youths, and vulnerable groups in project implementation. The finding further reveals that by the close of the project in 2013; 95 rural infrastructures were constructed in different communities, income growth of Fadama users increased by 35%, crops yield such as cassava, plantain, yam etc. increased by over 20% due to use in improved farming inputs boosting food security. The study however, observed some challenges bedeviling FADAMA 111 project implementation in the state such as insecurity, non-payment of counterpart fund by the state, diversion of project fund, poor maintenance culture of productive assets by communities such as cold rooms, cassava processing machines, and water projects etc. The study therefore, recommends that the state government pay-up its counterpart fund and set-up standing committee to monitor and hold FCA members accountable for non-functioning of World Bank productive assets in communities.

Key Words: Impact, Assessment, World Bank, FADAMA 111, Development, Bayelsa State




How to Cite

Owede Robbins, I., & Eluan Lloyd, J. (2021). Impact Assessment of World Bank-National FADAMA 111 Development Project, in Bayelsa State, 2009-2013. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research , 6(4), 51-65. Retrieved from