Human Resource Management and Corporate Goal Attainment in Selected Firms in Cross River State


  • Okon, Unwana Ita Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • Obo, Ekpenyong Bassey Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • Akpan, Effiong Daniel Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • Mbak, Ubong Udo-Johnson Department of Business Management, Ebonyi State University,-Abakaliki


Human resource management, staffing practices, reward, training, employee relations, goal attainment


The study examined human resource management and corporate goal attainment in some selected firms in Cross River State. The specific objectives were; to determine the relationship between staffing practices and the goal attainment of selected firms in Cross River State, to determine the relationship between reward and the goal attainments of selected firms in Cross River State, to determine the relationship between training and the goal attainment of selected firms in Cross River State, and to determine the relationship between employee relations and the goal attainment of selected firms in Cross River State. The population of the study is two hundred and eighty four (284). The primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire respondents of the selected firms in Cross River State. The study employed Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis technique to measure the relationship between variables tested in the study. Based on the analysis, the following findings are stated; staffing practices have a significant relationship with goal attainment of the firms in Cross River State, Reward has a significant relationship with goal attainment of the firms in Cross River State, training has a significant relationship with goal attainment of the firms in Cross River State and  employee relations has a significant relationship with goal attainment of the firms in Cross River State. The study recommended that management of organizations should carefully recruit and select appropriate employees that are qualified so as foster effective corporate goal attainment. Reward system should be implemented in order to maintain the system so as to ensure that it operates efficiently and flexibly.





How to Cite

Unwana Ita, O., Ekpenyong Bassey, O., Effiong Daniel, A., & Ubong Udo-Johnson, M. (2021). Human Resource Management and Corporate Goal Attainment in Selected Firms in Cross River State. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research , 6(5), 31-37. Retrieved from